The Serious Post
Boy oh boy, it's been an incredibly long time since I wrote a post and there's a totally legit reason for that. The reason turned into...
The Serious Post
My Illogical Prejudice
Finish and Then Start
Eat Your (Craft) Veggies!
Real Life World Building
Am I Unmasking If No One Even Knows Me?
The Thing About Changes...
"I Miss Strangers"
Making Me FEEL
No Makes Yes So Much Sweeter
Plot Bunnies and the Carousel of Manuscripts
The Dumbest Reason to Write a Post
Wheel Spinning in the Plague
OMG I fixed the font!!
I Finished Another Book!
Holy Shit! I Wrote an Outline! (sort of)
One Rejection Down, God Knows How Many to Go
The Waiting Game
Oh Jesus! The site is live!